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Our Speakers

Sanjeev Mohanty
Managing Director, South Asia,MENA, Levi Strauss & Co.

Sanjeev rejoined the Levi`s Managing Director, Levis India in 2016marking a triumphant return to the organization that played a key role in his formative years from 1999-2001

Starting out with a degree in Apparel Marketing and Merchandising, Fashion and Retail marketing from the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), New Delhi, and through over 23 subsequent years of experience in the retail and apparel business. Sanjeev evolved from core functional roles in sales, retail, marketing and merchandising to lead multiple fashion and retail brands as a CEO.

He has the experience of building some of India`s best -known brands and is known to have built strong teams and hype scaled businesses having been associated with and led both physical retail brands and online market places, including Benetton and, in CEO roles.

Sanjeev joined Jabong when the e-Commerce industry was undergoing massive financial restraints and strategic shifts. Jabong was a fast track turn -around assignment for Sanjeev; he pulled the company back onto a growth path after two quarters of back to back de-growth. At Benetton, he delivered a striking turn -around of the brand`s India business, escalating its revenues from INR 40 crores to INR 800 crores in the eight years he led it as the CEO, effectively driving its rise as one of the country`s leading fashion brands.

At Levi`s Sanjeev successfully led the South Asia region for over 1.5 years, prior to being elevated to lead the consolidated business of South Asia, Middle East and North Africa to drive the growth and profitability for the brand.

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