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Our Speakers

Divij Bajaj Founder & CEO, Power Gummies

Divij Bajaj began his entrepreneurial journey to become the “Gummy Man of India” with an interesting backstory. The 27 years old ingenious man, dreams to enable nutrition and health resorts for millenials coexisting with convenience amidst their fast-paced life. He aimed to build a pill alternative company to provide nutrition to people & envisioned doing that with super tasty gummies as nutrition and healthy living are top-of-mind for more consumers now than ever before. Catering to adult nutrition drives away from the fear of bitter-tasting medicines or pills, when no other healthcare entity thought of it. Power Gummies has been making headlines through 2020 as 6X growth within 3 months and drawing consistently three funding rounds from DSG venture partners, Agility venture partners, & Venture Catalysts in a row. In 2022, Power Gummies raised a series A round of $6 mn in Series A round led by 9Unicorns & Wipro.

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